One of the most common conditions acupuncturists see in the clinic is lower back pain.  It is so common that people joke about their backs starting to hurt once they turn 30.  Although natural degeneration of the spine comes with age, it is not always correlated with pain, and there are many other contributing factors and causes that can lead to lower back pain. One lesser known, but common, factor that can be the cause of lower back pain is pelvic positioning.   

Most people tend to have a degree of imbalance in pelvic positioning whether one hip is raised slightly higher than the other, one might be rotated forward, a hip might shift to the side, or the whole pelvis might tilt forward. There are several causes to an imbalance of pelvic position that could include repetitive motions, sitting or driving for prolonged periods of time, habitual tendencies like leaning on one leg, or bad posture which will eventually lead to lower back pain. Over time, an imbalance in pelvic positioning will cause change in the elasticity of soft tissue and articulating joints in the low back, which can leave the low back more vulnerable to injury.

Acupuncture is a clinically proven treatment for relief of the soft tissue pain in the low back, as well as treatment for any muscle imbalances or possible nerve impingement symptoms.  Specifically, acupuncture points can help to temporarily align the pelvis through muscle relaxation and stimulation of acupuncture points. Treatment may also include myofascial release techniques such as cupping techniques or gua sha. 

Acupuncture used in conjunction with chiropractic and therapeutic exercise are highly effective treatment options for low back pain. For the treatment to last, it is important to include specific pelvis balancing and control exercises into the treatment plan. Targeted exercises performed regularly will help regain control of pelvis position during movement and help correct associated muscle imbalances. At our clinic, you will receive individualized treatment plans based on your treatment goals that will set your body up for prolonged periods of pain relief, more strength, and a more resilient structure.  

-Stephanie Arthur, L.Ac.